About Me

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I'm a busy mom, working professional, and lover of all things fitness. I've lost 20 lbs in and kept it off for the past 2 years without stepping foot in a gym. I'm all about learning to be a better ME and paying it forward. Contact me at http://fb.me/tamaragomez18 or tamara.gomez18@gmail.com

Monday, January 31, 2011

Inferno Day 1

Today was day one of the 5 Day Inferno from my TurboFire workout and it was awesome!  Breakfast was an egg and turkey bacon sandwich with tomatoes.  Got my morning started just right.  Then I had a snack of a banana and a handful of almonds.  The plan called for walnuts but I don't like walnuts, so almonds did the trick.  Lunch presented my first temptation.  We had a big department meeting and lunch was provided for us.  I came armed and ready to resist the standard boxed lunch from Panera or Corner Bakery.  Then the lunch trays were brought in.  Oh man, it was MEXICAN FOOD!  Why would they do this to me?  Anyone that knows me well knows that I die for Mexican food.  Or maybe I live for Mexican food.  Ok, I LIVE AND DIE for it.  Trays of chicken, ground beef, tortillas, tostadas, chips and salsa, cheese...  But I was good, I sat and watched everyone devour their lunch while I ate my little salad with scallions and tuna.  I got a few weird stares.  One lady even looked at me with pity and went "awww".  But I proudly announced that I had challenged myself and my friends to no takeout/fast food this week.  I held my head high, and guess what, I felt great when it was all said and done!

Snack was a chocolate Shakeology.  Then I did my workout, ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Circuit 1.  Followed by my dinner of honey mustard chicken and steamed broccoli with parmesan.  I feel light and satisfied :)

Time to get a good night's sleep!

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